WP4 Blog 1: Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health for The Homeless
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I am choosing the homeless as a topic. Some problems the homeless face in terms of health equity are poverty, lack of education, starvation, lack of childhood development, undetermined housing status, lack of self-identification, and social discrimination and judging. It's a bit head to explain the parts individually as the causes are all to some degree interconnected. The financial inability, potentially caused by the type of job, the personal debts, or the lack of Medicaid coverage, disables them from receiving primary or follow-up health care. The lack of childhood development, such as personal trauma or either school or family education, would lead to the absence or refusal to notice their conditions. An undetermined housing status correlates to an undetermined knowledge or awareness of the healthcare opportunities provided in the area. This also connects to the lack of self-identification to receive treatment, in which the identifications might be lost, damaged, expired, or even unregistered. Social discrimination and biased or purposed support from the public through social media also plays a role in the problem. Other factors contributing to homelessness include addiction, family breakdown, government assistance, and mental illness.
To support my paper, I would need to search for some recent news articles on some specific cases regarding health equity of the homeless group, articles from the perspective of the homeless and the public on social media, and the historical and current governmental Medicaid policies, and the preceding solutions (if there's any) to self-identification concerning the homeless. I could then evaluate the findings from my research to show the significance of considering the listed social determinants of health for the homeless when planning or fixing healthcare strategies and policies.
There are a lot of reasons as to why there as disparities in healthcare in homelessness. Try focusing on a few main issues that are the biggest causes of the disparities. If it helps you could group the sub-issues into larger categories such as economic, social, and individual disparities.